Unnamed Retro Shooter

A prototype for a retro inspired fast-paced shooter

Introduction to the project

I made this project since I wanted to experiment more with the mechanics of our Ultrakill vertical slice project but I thought it was best to make a separate project that uses my own movement and shooting scripts from the ultrakill project. This project is currently still in its early prototyping stage but I've got a lot in store for the future of this project.

Dash orbs

This is one of the new additions I added to this game, the dash orb.

Dash Orb

When looking at the dashorb it targets it with a target indicator

Dash Orb Targeting

The way it is able to target something is it first does a spherecast and if an object with the correct tag is in that spherecast then it activates the target indicator

Dash Orb Code

But they are called dash orbs for a reason...

Dash Orb Usage

When the player presses "E" the player dashes towards the orb and these can be chained together to go pretty fast

Chaining Dash Orbs

I am excited to see what this game will form once it's further into development.